


























































  1. cpu0p0.9.zip — 混雜 = 與 <= 的程式,但可以正確運作。
  2. cpu0p1.0.zip — 只使用 = 的程式,可以正確運作。
  3. cpu0p1.1.zip — 只使用 <= 的程式,無法正確運作,修改中。


  1. 指令與資料的存取必須使用兩組線路,因此有很多種可能的方法。
    • 方案一:使用兩塊記憶體: iMem 與 dMem (哈佛架構)
    • 方案二:使用一塊記憶體加兩個 cache:iCache 與 dCache
    • 方案三:使用一塊記憶體,但是該記憶體有兩組位址線與資料線,也就是有 abus1, dbus1, abus2, dbus2 等兩組線。
  2. 本程式採用方案三單一記憶體兩組線的方式。

Verilog 程式:cpu0p.v

// 管線狀態:IDLE 或 WAIT
`define IDLE     2'b00       // 閒置中
`define WAIT_M   2'b01   // 等待回應
`define WAIT_ACK 2'b10   // 等待回應

// 寬度形態常數
`define INT32 2'b11     // 寬度 32 位元
`define INT24 2'b10     // 寬度 24 位元
`define INT16 2'b01     // 寬度 16 位元
`define BYTE  2'b00     // 寬度  8 位元
// 暫存器簡稱
`define PC   cpu.R[15]   // 程式計數器
`define LR   cpu.R[14]   // 連結暫存器
`define SP   cpu.R[13]   // 堆疊暫存器
`define SW   cpu.R[12]   // 狀態暫存器
`define IR   cpu.ir         // 指令暫存器
// 狀態暫存器旗標位元
`define N    `SW[31] // 負號旗標
`define Z    `SW[30] // 零旗標
`define C    `SW[29] // 進位旗標
`define V    `SW[28] // 溢位旗標
`define I    `SW[7]  // 硬體中斷許可
`define T    `SW[6]  // 軟體中斷許可
`define M    `SW[0]  // 模式位元

module iFetch(input clock, reset, iReady, output reg iGet, oReady, input oGet);
reg [1:0] state;
reg [31:0] pc, pc0;

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin oReady=0; iGet=0; state=`IDLE; end 
        else case (state) 
            `IDLE: begin // 閒置中
                if (iReady) begin // 輸入資料已準備好
                    memReadStart1(`PC, `INT32);
                    pc0 = `PC;
                    `PC = `PC+4;
                    pc = `PC;
                    iGet = 1; // 處理輸入資料
                    state = `WAIT_ACK; // 進入等待狀態
                    oReady = 1;
            `WAIT_ACK:begin // 等待回應 (資料被取走)
                if (oGet) begin // 資料被取走了
                    oReady = 0; // 下一筆輸出資料尚未準備好。
                    state = `IDLE; // 回到閒置狀態,準備取得下一筆輸入資料
                iGet = 0;  // 下一筆輸入資料尚未準備好。

module iDecode(input clock, reset, iReady, output reg iGet, oReady, input oGet);
    parameter name="iDecode";
    reg [1:0] state;
    reg [31:0] ir, pc, pc0;
    reg [7:0] op;
    reg [3:0] a, b, c;
    reg [4:0] c5;
    reg signed [11:0] cx12;
    reg signed [15:0] cx16;
    reg signed [23:0] cx24;
    reg signed [31:0] c12, c16, c24, Ra, Rb, Rc; // ipc:instruction PC

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin oReady=0; iGet=0; state=`IDLE; end 
        else case (state) 
            `IDLE: begin // 閒置中
                if (iReady && (!cpu.m_en1 || cpu.m_ack1)) begin // 輸入資料已準備好
                    memReadEnd1(ir); // IR = dbus = m[PC]
                    pc0 = cpu.if1.pc0;
                    pc = cpu.if1.pc;
                    $display("%-4d:fetch , pc0=%x pc=%x ir=%x", $stime, pc0, pc, ir);
                    iGet = 1;
                    // 處理輸入資料
                    {op, a, b, c, cx12} = ir;
                    cx24 = ir[23:0];
                    cx16 = ir[15:0];
                    c5  = ir[4:0];
                    c12 = cx12; // 取出 cx12 並轉為 32 位元有號數 c12
                    c16 = cx16; // 取出 cx16 並轉為 32 位元有號數 c16
                    c24 = cx24; // 取出 cx24 並轉為 32 位元有號數 c24
                    Ra = cpu.R[a];
                    Rb = cpu.R[b];
                    Rc = cpu.R[c]; 
                    case (op)
                        // 載入儲存指令
                        cpu.LD:  memReadStart2(Rb+c16, `INT32);         // 載入word;    LD Ra, [Rb+Cx];     Ra<=[Rb+ Cx]
                        cpu.ST:  memWriteStart2(Rb+c16, Ra, `INT32); // 儲存word;    ST Ra, [Rb+ Cx];     Ra=>[Rb+ Cx]
                        cpu.LDB: memReadStart2(Rb+c16, `BYTE);        // 載入byte;    LDB Ra, [Rb+ Cx];     Ra<=(byte)[Rb+ Cx]
                        cpu.STB: memWriteStart2(Rb+c16, Ra, `BYTE);     // 儲存byte;    STB Ra, [Rb+ Cx];    Ra=>(byte)[Rb+ Cx]
                        cpu.LDR: memReadStart2(Rb+Rc, `INT32);        // LD的Rc版;     LDR Ra, [Rb+Rc];    Ra<=[Rb+ Rc]
                        cpu.STR: memWriteStart2(Rb+Rc, Ra, `INT32);    // ST的Rc版;    STR Ra, [Rb+Rc];    Ra=>[Rb+ Rc]
                        cpu.LBR: memReadStart2(Rb+Rc, `BYTE);        // LDB的Rc版;    LBR Ra, [Rb+Rc];    Ra<=(byte)[Rb+ Rc]
                        cpu.SBR: memWriteStart2(Rb+Rc, Ra, `BYTE);    // STB的Rc版;    SBR Ra, [Rb+Rc];    Ra=>(byte)[Rb+ Rc]
                        // 堆疊指令    
                        cpu.PUSH:begin `SP = `SP-4; memWriteStart2(`SP, Ra, `INT32); end // 推入 word;    PUSH Ra;    SP-=4;[SP]<=Ra;
                        cpu.POP: begin memReadStart2(`SP, `INT32); `SP = `SP + 4; end    // 彈出 word;    POP Ra;     Ra=[SP];SP+=4;
                        cpu.PUSHB:begin `SP = `SP-1; memWriteStart2(`SP, Ra, `BYTE); end    // 推入 byte;    PUSHB Ra;     SP--;[SP]<=Ra;(byte)
                        cpu.POPB:begin memReadStart2(`SP, `BYTE); `SP = `SP+1; end        // 彈出 byte;    POPB Ra;     Ra<=[SP];SP++;(byte)
                    oReady = 1; // 輸出資料已準備好
                    state = `WAIT_ACK; // 進入等待狀態
                    $display("%-4d:decode, pc0=%x pc=%x ir=%x op=%x a=%x b=%x c=%x cx12=%x", $stime, pc0, pc, ir, op, a, b, c, cx12);
            `WAIT_ACK:begin // 等待回應 (資料被取走)
                if (oGet) begin // 資料被取走了
                    oReady = 0; // 下一筆輸出資料尚未準備好。
                    state = `IDLE; // 回到閒置狀態,準備取得下一筆輸入資料
                iGet = 0;  // 下一筆輸入資料尚未準備好。

module iExec(input clock, reset, iReady, output reg iGet, oReady, input oGet);
    parameter name="iExec";
    reg [31:0] ir, pc, pc0;
    reg [7:0] op;
    reg [3:0] a, b, c;
    reg [4:0] c5;
    reg signed [31:0] c12, c16, c24, Ra, Rb, Rc; // ipc:instruction PC
    reg [1:0] state;
    reg [1:0] skip;

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin oReady=0; iGet=0; state=`IDLE; skip = 0; end 
        else case (state) 
            `IDLE: begin // 閒置中
                if (iReady && (!cpu.m_en2 || cpu.m_ack2)) begin // 輸入資料已準備好
                    if (skip > 0) skip = skip-1; else begin
                    // 處理輸入資料
                    pc0 = cpu.id1.pc0;
                    pc = cpu.id1.pc;
                    ir = cpu.id1.ir;
                    op = cpu.id1.op;
                    a = cpu.id1.a;
                    b = cpu.id1.b;
                    c = cpu.id1.c;
                    c5 = cpu.id1.c5;
                    c12 = cpu.id1.c12;
                    c16 = cpu.id1.c16;
                    c24 = cpu.id1.c24;
                    Ra = cpu.id1.Ra;
                    Rb = cpu.id1.Rb;
                    Rc = cpu.id1.Rc;
                    iGet = 1;
                    // 準備輸出資料
                    case (op)
                        cpu.LD, cpu.LDB, cpu.LDR, cpu.LBR, cpu.POP, cpu.POPB  : memReadEnd2(cpu.R[a]); // 讀取記憶體完成
                        cpu.ST, cpu.STB, cpu.STR, cpu.SBR, cpu.PUSH, cpu.PUSHB: memWriteEnd2(); // 寫入記憶體完成
                        cpu.LDI: cpu.R[a] = Rb+c16;                     // 立即載入;    LDI Ra, Rb+Cx;        Ra<=Rb + Cx
                        // 運算指令
                        cpu.CMP: begin `N=(Ra-Rb<0);`Z=(Ra-Rb==0); end // 比較;        CMP Ra, Rb;         SW=(Ra >=< Rb)
                        cpu.MOV: regSet(a, Rb);                 // 移動;            MOV Ra, Rb;         Ra<=Rb
                        cpu.ADD: regSet(a, Rb+Rc);                // 加法;            ADD Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb+Rc
                        cpu.SUB: regSet(a, Rb-Rc);                // 減法;            SUB Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb-Rc
                        cpu.MUL: regSet(a, Rb*Rc);                // 乘法;             MUL Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb*Rc
                        cpu.DIV: regSet(a, Rb/Rc);                // 除法;             DIV Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb/Rc
                        cpu.AND: regSet(a, Rb&Rc);                // 位元 AND;        AND Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb and Rc
                        cpu.OR:  regSet(a, Rb|Rc);                // 位元 OR;            OR Ra, Rb, Rc;         Ra<=Rb or Rc
                        cpu.XOR: regSet(a, Rb^Rc);                // 位元 XOR;        XOR Ra, Rb, Rc;     Ra<=Rb xor Rc
                        cpu.SHL: regSet(a, Rb<<c5);                // 向左移位;        SHL Ra, Rb, Cx;     Ra<=Rb << Cx
                        cpu.SHR: regSet(a, Rb>>c5);                // 向右移位;        SHR Ra, Rb, Cx;     Ra<=Rb >> Cx
                        // 跳躍指令
                        cpu.JEQ: if (`Z) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end // 跳躍 (相等);        JEQ Cx;        if SW(=) PC  PC+Cx
                        cpu.JNE: if (!`Z) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end  // 跳躍 (不相等);    JNE Cx;     if SW(!=) PC  PC+Cx
                        cpu.JLT: if (`N) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end        // 跳躍 ( < );        JLT Cx;     if SW(<) PC  PC+Cx
                        cpu.JGT: if (!`N&&!`Z) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end        // 跳躍 ( > );        JGT Cx;     if SW(>) PC  PC+Cx
                        cpu.JLE: if (`N || `Z) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end        // 跳躍 ( <= );        JLE Cx;     if SW(<=) PC  PC+Cx    
                        cpu.JGE: if (!`N || `Z) begin `PC=pc+c24; skip=2; end    // 跳躍 ( >= );        JGE Cx;     if SW(>=) PC  PC+Cx
                        cpu.JMP: begin `PC = pc+c24; skip=2; end                     // 跳躍 (無條件);    JMP Cx;     PC <= PC+Cx
                        cpu.SWI: begin `LR=pc;`PC= c24; `I = 1'b1; skip=2; end // 軟中斷;    SWI Cx;         LR <= PC; PC <= Cx; INT<=1
                        cpu.CALL:begin `LR=pc;`PC=pc + c24; skip=2; end // 跳到副程式;    CALL Cx;     LR<=PC; PC<=PC+Cx
                        cpu.RET: begin `PC=`LR; skip=2;                 // 返回;            RET;         PC <= LR
                            if (`PC < 0) begin
                                $display("RET to PC < 0, finished!");
                        cpu.IRET:begin `PC=`LR;`I = 1'b0; skip=2; end    // 中斷返回;        IRET;         PC <= LR; INT<=0
                    Ra = cpu.R[a];
                    $display("%-4d:exec  , pc0=%x ir=%x Ra=%x=%-4d Rb=%x Rc=%x", $stime, pc0, ir, Ra, Ra, Rb, Rc);
                    oReady = 1; // 輸出資料已準備好
                    state = `WAIT_ACK; // 進入等待狀態
            `WAIT_ACK:begin // 等待回應 (資料被取走)
                if (oGet) begin // 資料被取走了
                    oReady = 0; // 下一筆輸出資料尚未準備好。
                    state = `IDLE; // 回到閒置狀態,準備取得下一筆輸入資料
                iGet = 0;  // 下一筆輸入資料尚未準備好。

module cpu(input clock, reset, output [31:0] ir, pc,
           output [31:0] mar1, mdr1, inout [31:0] dbus1, output reg m_en1, m_rw1, input m_ack1, output reg [1:0] m_size1,
           output [31:0] mar2, mdr2, inout [31:0] dbus2, output reg m_en2, m_rw2, input m_ack2, output reg [1:0] m_size2
           ); // cpu0 是由 if1, id1, ie1, iw1 四根管子 (pipe) 連接後形成的管線           
   // 管線相關參數
    wire ifiGet, idiGet, ieiGet, iwiGet; // pipe 輸入是否準備好了
    wire ifoReady, idoReady, ieoReady, iwoReady; // pipe 輸出是否準備好了
    parameter iReady = 1'b1, oGet=1'b1; // pipeline 的整體輸入輸出是否準備好了 (隨時都準備好,這樣才會不斷驅動)。
    // 暫存器與欄位
    reg [31:0] mar1, mdr1, mar2, mdr2;
    reg signed [31:0] R [0:15];

    // 指令編碼表
    parameter [7:0] LD=8'h00,ST=8'h01,LDB=8'h02,STB=8'h03,LDR=8'h04,STR=8'h05,

    task memReadStart1(input [31:0] addr, input [1:0] size); begin // 讀取記憶體 Word
       mar1 = addr;     // read(m[addr])
       m_rw1 = 1;     // 讀取模式:read 
       m_en1 = 1;     // 啟動讀取
       m_size1 = size;
    end    endtask

    task memReadEnd1(output [31:0] data); begin // 讀取記憶體完成,取得資料
       mdr1 = dbus1; // 取得記憶體傳回的 dbus = m[addr]
       data = dbus1; // 傳回資料
       m_en1 = 0; // 讀取完畢
    end    endtask

    // 寫入記憶體 -- addr:寫入位址, data:寫入資料
    task memWriteStart1(input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] data, input [1:0] size); begin 
       mar1 = addr;    // write(m[addr], data)
       mdr1 = data;
       m_rw1 = 0;    // 寫入模式:write
       m_en1 = 1;     // 啟動寫入
       m_size1  = size;
    end    endtask

    task memWriteEnd1; begin // 寫入記憶體完成
       m_en1 = 0; // 寫入完畢
    end endtask

    task memReadStart2(input [31:0] addr, input [1:0] size); begin // 讀取記憶體 Word
       mar2 = addr;     // read(m[addr])
       m_rw2 = 1;     // 讀取模式:read 
       m_en2 = 1;     // 啟動讀取
       m_size2 = size;
    end    endtask

    task memReadEnd2(output [31:0] data); begin // 讀取記憶體完成,取得資料
       mdr2 = dbus2; // 取得記憶體傳回的 dbus = m[addr]
       data = dbus2; // 傳回資料
       m_en2 = 0; // 讀取完畢
    end    endtask

    // 寫入記憶體 -- addr:寫入位址, data:寫入資料
    task memWriteStart2(input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] data, input [1:0] size); begin 
       mar2 = addr;    // write(m[addr], data)
       mdr2 = data;
       m_rw2 = 0;    // 寫入模式:write
       m_en2 = 1;     // 啟動寫入
       m_size2  = size;
    end    endtask

    task memWriteEnd2; begin // 寫入記憶體完成
       m_en2 = 0; // 寫入完畢
    end endtask

    task regSet(input [3:0] i, input [31:0] data); begin
        if (i!=0) R[i] = data;
    end endtask

    iFetch      if1(clock, reset, iReady,   ifiGet, ifoReady, idiGet); // 管子:
    iDecode     id1(clock, reset, ifoReady, idiGet, idoReady, ieiGet); // 管子:
    iExec       ie1(clock, reset, idoReady, ieiGet, ieoReady, oGet);   // 管子:

    always @(posedge clock) begin
        if (reset) begin `PC = 0; R[0] = 0; `SW = 0; `LR = -1;  end

module memory(input clock, reset, en1, en2, rw1, rw2, output reg ack1, ack2, input [1:0] size1, size2, 
              input [31:0] abus1, abus2, dbus_in1, dbus_in2, output [31:0] dbus_out1, dbus_out2);
reg [7:0] m [0:258];
reg [31:0] data1, data2;

integer i;
initial begin
    $readmemh("cpu0p.hex", m);
    for (i=0; i < 255; i=i+4) begin
       $display("%8x: %8x", i, {m[i], m[i+1], m[i+2], m[i+3]});

    always @(*) 
        if (en1) begin
            ack1 = 0;
            if (abus1 >=0 && abus1 <= 255) begin
                if (rw1 == 0) begin // r_w==0:write
                    data1 = dbus_in1;
                    case (size1)
                        `BYTE:  {m[abus1]} = dbus_in1[7:0];
                        `INT16: {m[abus1], m[abus1+1] } = dbus_in1[15:0];
                        `INT24: {m[abus1], m[abus1+1], m[abus1+2]} = dbus_in1[24:0];
                        `INT32: {m[abus1], m[abus1+1], m[abus1+2], m[abus1+3]} = dbus_in1;
                end else begin// rw == 1:read
                    case (size1)
                        `BYTE:  data1 = {8'h00  , 8'h00,   8'h00,   m[abus1]      };
                        `INT16: data1 = {8'h00  , 8'h00,   m[abus1], m[abus1+1]    };
                        `INT24: data1 = {8'h00  , m[abus1], m[abus1+1], m[abus1+2]  };
                        `INT32: data1 = {m[abus1], m[abus1+1], m[abus1+2], m[abus1+3]};
            ack1 = 1;
        end else begin
            data1 = 32'hZZZZZZZZ;
            ack1 = 0;
    assign dbus_out1 = data1;

    always @(*) 
        if (en2) begin
            ack2 = 0;
            if (abus2 >=0 && abus2 <= 255) begin
                if (rw2 == 0) begin // r_w==0:write
                    data2 = dbus_in2;
                    case (size2)
                        `BYTE:  {m[abus2]} = dbus_in2[7:0];
                        `INT16: {m[abus2], m[abus2+1] } = dbus_in2[15:0];
                        `INT24: {m[abus2], m[abus2+1], m[abus2+2]} = dbus_in2[24:0];
                        `INT32: {m[abus2], m[abus2+1], m[abus2+2], m[abus2+3]} = dbus_in2;
                end else begin// rw == 1:read
                    case (size2)
                        `BYTE:  data2 = {8'h00  , 8'h00,   8'h00,   m[abus2]      };
                        `INT16: data2 = {8'h00  , 8'h00,   m[abus2], m[abus2+1]    };
                        `INT24: data2 = {8'h00  , m[abus2], m[abus2+1], m[abus2+2]  };
                        `INT32: data2 = {m[abus2], m[abus2+1], m[abus2+2], m[abus2+3]};
            ack2 = 1;
        end else begin
            data2 = 32'hZZZZZZZZ;
            ack2 = 0;
    assign dbus_out2 = data2;

module main;
    reg clock, reset;
    wire [31:0] pc, ir;
    wire [31:0] mar1, mar2, mdr1, mdr2, dbus1, dbus2;
    wire m_en1, m_en2, m_rw1, m_rw2, m_ack1, m_ack2;
    wire [1:0] m_size1, m_size2;

    cpu cpu0(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), .pc(pc), .ir(ir),
        .mar1(mar1), .mdr1(mdr1), .dbus1(dbus1), .m_en1(m_en1), .m_rw1(m_rw1), .m_size1(m_size1), .m_ack1(m_ack1),
        .mar2(mar2), .mdr2(mdr2), .dbus2(dbus2), .m_en2(m_en2), .m_rw2(m_rw2), .m_size2(m_size2), .m_ack2(m_ack2));

    memory memory0(.clock(clock), .reset(reset), 
      .en1(m_en1), .rw1(m_rw1), .ack1(m_ack1), .size1(m_size1), .abus1(mar1), .dbus_in1(mdr1), .dbus_out1(dbus1),
      .en2(m_en2), .rw2(m_rw2), .ack2(m_ack2), .size2(m_size2), .abus2(mar2), .dbus_in2(mdr2), .dbus_out2(dbus2));

        clock = 0;
        reset = 1;
        #50 reset = 0;
        #10000 $finish;

    always #10 clock=clock+1;


Icarus 模擬結果

D:\oc\cpu0p>vvp cpu0p
WARNING: cpu0p.v:312: $readmemh(cpu0p.hex): Not enough words in the file for the
 requested range [0:258].
00000000: 00df00b6
00000004: 08400004
00000008: 08500008
0000000c: 054d5000
00000010: 046d5000
00000014: 075d4000
00000018: 066d4000
0000001c: 30e00000
00000020: 12850000
00000024: 13854000
00000028: 14854000
0000002c: 15854000
00000030: 16854000
00000034: 18854000
00000038: 19854000
0000003c: 1a854000
00000040: 1e850003
00000044: 1f850002
00000048: 10450000
0000004c: 20000018
00000050: 23000014
00000054: 25000010
00000058: 2200000c
0000005c: 24000008
00000060: 21000004
00000064: 26000000
00000068: 0810000a
0000006c: 2b000008
00000070: 31e00000
00000074: 2c000000
00000078: 30e00000
0000007c: 12300000
00000080: 024f0024
00000084: 08200000
00000088: 13223000
0000008c: 13334000
00000090: 10310000
00000094: 24fffff0
00000098: 012f000d
0000009c: 033f000d
000000a0: 31e00000
000000a4: 2c000000
000000a8: 01000000
000000ac: 00000001
000000b0: 02030405
000000b4: 06070809
000000b8: 0a0b0000
000000bc: 00ba0102
000000c0: 03040506
000000c4: 0708xxxx
000000c8: xxxxxxxx
000000cc: xxxxxxxx
000000d0: xxxxxxxx
000000d4: xxxxxxxx
000000d8: xxxxxxxx
000000dc: xxxxxxxx
000000e0: xxxxxxxx
000000e4: xxxxxxxx
000000e8: xxxxxxxx
000000ec: xxxxxxxx
000000f0: xxxxxxxx
000000f4: xxxxxxxx
000000f8: xxxxxxxx
000000fc: xxxxxxxx
91  :fetch , pc0=00000000 pc=00000004 ir=00df00b6
92  :decode, pc0=00000000 pc=00000004 ir=00df00b6 op=00 a=d b=f c=0 cx12=0b6
131 :exec  , pc0=00000000 ir=00df00b6 Ra=000000ba=186  Rb=00000004 Rc=00000000
171 :fetch , pc0=00000004 pc=00000008 ir=08400004
172 :decode, pc0=00000004 pc=00000008 ir=08400004 op=08 a=4 b=0 c=0 cx12=004
191 :exec  , pc0=00000004 ir=08400004 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
251 :fetch , pc0=00000008 pc=0000000c ir=08500008
252 :decode, pc0=00000008 pc=0000000c ir=08500008 op=08 a=5 b=0 c=0 cx12=008
271 :exec  , pc0=00000008 ir=08500008 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
311 :fetch , pc0=0000000c pc=00000010 ir=054d5000
312 :decode, pc0=0000000c pc=00000010 ir=054d5000 op=05 a=4 b=d c=5 cx12=000
351 :exec  , pc0=0000000c ir=054d5000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=000000ba Rc=00000008
391 :fetch , pc0=00000010 pc=00000014 ir=046d5000
392 :decode, pc0=00000010 pc=00000014 ir=046d5000 op=04 a=6 b=d c=5 cx12=000
431 :exec  , pc0=00000010 ir=046d5000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=000000ba Rc=00000008
471 :fetch , pc0=00000014 pc=00000018 ir=075d4000
472 :decode, pc0=00000014 pc=00000018 ir=075d4000 op=07 a=5 b=d c=4 cx12=000
511 :exec  , pc0=00000014 ir=075d4000 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=000000ba Rc=00000004
551 :fetch , pc0=00000018 pc=0000001c ir=066d4000
552 :decode, pc0=00000018 pc=0000001c ir=066d4000 op=06 a=6 b=d c=4 cx12=000
591 :exec  , pc0=00000018 ir=066d4000 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=000000ba Rc=00000004
631 :fetch , pc0=0000001c pc=00000020 ir=30e00000
632 :decode, pc0=0000001c pc=00000020 ir=30e00000 op=30 a=e b=0 c=0 cx12=000
671 :exec  , pc0=0000001c ir=30e00000 Ra=ffffffff=-1   Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
711 :fetch , pc0=00000020 pc=00000024 ir=12850000
712 :decode, pc0=00000020 pc=00000024 ir=12850000 op=12 a=8 b=5 c=0 cx12=000
731 :exec  , pc0=00000020 ir=12850000 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000000
791 :fetch , pc0=00000024 pc=00000028 ir=13854000
792 :decode, pc0=00000024 pc=00000028 ir=13854000 op=13 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
811 :exec  , pc0=00000024 ir=13854000 Ra=0000000c=12   Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
851 :fetch , pc0=00000028 pc=0000002c ir=14854000
852 :decode, pc0=00000028 pc=0000002c ir=14854000 op=14 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
871 :exec  , pc0=00000028 ir=14854000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
911 :fetch , pc0=0000002c pc=00000030 ir=15854000
912 :decode, pc0=0000002c pc=00000030 ir=15854000 op=15 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
931 :exec  , pc0=0000002c ir=15854000 Ra=00000020=32   Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
971 :fetch , pc0=00000030 pc=00000034 ir=16854000
972 :decode, pc0=00000030 pc=00000034 ir=16854000 op=16 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
991 :exec  , pc0=00000030 ir=16854000 Ra=00000002=2    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
1031:fetch , pc0=00000034 pc=00000038 ir=18854000
1032:decode, pc0=00000034 pc=00000038 ir=18854000 op=18 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
1051:exec  , pc0=00000034 ir=18854000 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
1091:fetch , pc0=00000038 pc=0000003c ir=19854000
1092:decode, pc0=00000038 pc=0000003c ir=19854000 op=19 a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
1111:exec  , pc0=00000038 ir=19854000 Ra=0000000c=12   Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
1151:fetch , pc0=0000003c pc=00000040 ir=1a854000
1152:decode, pc0=0000003c pc=00000040 ir=1a854000 op=1a a=8 b=5 c=4 cx12=000
1171:exec  , pc0=0000003c ir=1a854000 Ra=0000000c=12   Rb=00000008 Rc=00000004
1211:fetch , pc0=00000040 pc=00000044 ir=1e850003
1212:decode, pc0=00000040 pc=00000044 ir=1e850003 op=1e a=8 b=5 c=0 cx12=003
1231:exec  , pc0=00000040 ir=1e850003 Ra=00000040=64   Rb=00000008 Rc=00000000
1271:fetch , pc0=00000044 pc=00000048 ir=1f850002
1272:decode, pc0=00000044 pc=00000048 ir=1f850002 op=1f a=8 b=5 c=0 cx12=002
1291:exec  , pc0=00000044 ir=1f850002 Ra=00000002=2    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000000
1331:fetch , pc0=00000048 pc=0000004c ir=10450000
1332:decode, pc0=00000048 pc=0000004c ir=10450000 op=10 a=4 b=5 c=0 cx12=000
1351:exec  , pc0=00000048 ir=10450000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000000
1391:fetch , pc0=0000004c pc=00000050 ir=20000018
1392:decode, pc0=0000004c pc=00000050 ir=20000018 op=20 a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=018
1411:exec  , pc0=0000004c ir=20000018 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1451:fetch , pc0=00000050 pc=00000054 ir=23000014
1452:decode, pc0=00000050 pc=00000054 ir=23000014 op=23 a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=014
1471:exec  , pc0=00000050 ir=23000014 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1511:fetch , pc0=00000054 pc=00000058 ir=25000010
1512:decode, pc0=00000054 pc=00000058 ir=25000010 op=25 a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=010
1531:exec  , pc0=00000054 ir=25000010 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1571:fetch , pc0=00000058 pc=0000005c ir=2200000c
1572:decode, pc0=00000058 pc=0000005c ir=2200000c op=22 a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=00c
1591:exec  , pc0=00000058 ir=2200000c Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1631:fetch , pc0=00000068 pc=0000006c ir=0810000a
1632:decode, pc0=00000068 pc=0000006c ir=0810000a op=08 a=1 b=0 c=0 cx12=00a
1731:exec  , pc0=00000068 ir=0810000a Ra=0000000a=10   Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1751:fetch , pc0=0000006c pc=00000070 ir=2b000008
1752:decode, pc0=0000006c pc=00000070 ir=2b000008 op=2b a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=008
1771:exec  , pc0=0000006c ir=2b000008 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1831:fetch , pc0=00000078 pc=0000007c ir=30e00000
1832:decode, pc0=00000078 pc=0000007c ir=30e00000 op=30 a=e b=0 c=0 cx12=000
1951:exec  , pc0=00000078 ir=30e00000 Ra=00000070=112  Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
1971:fetch , pc0=0000007c pc=00000080 ir=12300000
1972:decode, pc0=0000007c pc=00000080 ir=12300000 op=12 a=3 b=0 c=0 cx12=000
1991:exec  , pc0=0000007c ir=12300000 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
2031:fetch , pc0=00000080 pc=00000084 ir=024f0024
2032:decode, pc0=00000080 pc=00000084 ir=024f0024 op=02 a=4 b=f c=0 cx12=024
2071:exec  , pc0=00000080 ir=024f0024 Ra=00000001=1    Rb=00000084 Rc=00000000
2111:fetch , pc0=00000084 pc=00000088 ir=08200000
2112:decode, pc0=00000084 pc=00000088 ir=08200000 op=08 a=2 b=0 c=0 cx12=000
2131:exec  , pc0=00000084 ir=08200000 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
2191:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
2192:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
2211:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
2251:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
2252:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
2271:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000001=1    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000001
2311:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
2312:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
2331:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000001=1    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
2371:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
2372:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
2391:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
2431:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
2432:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
2531:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000001=1    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000001
2551:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
2552:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
2571:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000002=2    Rb=00000001 Rc=00000001
2631:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
2632:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
2651:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000002=2    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
2691:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
2692:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
2711:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
2751:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
2752:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
2851:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000003=3    Rb=00000001 Rc=00000002
2871:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
2872:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
2891:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000003=3    Rb=00000002 Rc=00000001
2951:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
2952:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
2971:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000003=3    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
3011:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
3012:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
3031:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
3071:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
3072:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
3171:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000006=6    Rb=00000003 Rc=00000003
3191:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
3192:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
3211:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=00000003 Rc=00000001
3271:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
3272:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
3291:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000004=4    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
3331:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
3332:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
3351:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
3391:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
3392:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
3491:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=0000000a=10   Rb=00000006 Rc=00000004
3511:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
3512:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
3531:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000005=5    Rb=00000004 Rc=00000001
3591:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
3592:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
3611:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000005=5    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
3651:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
3652:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
3671:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
3711:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
3712:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
3811:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=0000000f=15   Rb=0000000a Rc=00000005
3831:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
3832:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
3851:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000006=6    Rb=00000005 Rc=00000001
3911:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
3912:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
3931:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000006=6    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
3971:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
3972:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
3991:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
4031:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
4032:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
4131:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000015=21   Rb=0000000f Rc=00000006
4151:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
4152:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
4171:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000007=7    Rb=00000006 Rc=00000001
4231:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
4232:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
4251:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000007=7    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
4291:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
4292:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
4311:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
4351:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
4352:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
4451:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=0000001c=28   Rb=00000015 Rc=00000007
4471:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
4472:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
4491:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=00000007 Rc=00000001
4551:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
4552:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
4571:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000008=8    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
4611:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
4612:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
4631:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
4671:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
4672:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
4771:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000024=36   Rb=0000001c Rc=00000008
4791:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
4792:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
4811:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=00000009=9    Rb=00000008 Rc=00000001
4871:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
4872:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
4891:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=00000009=9    Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
4931:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
4932:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
4951:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
4991:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
4992:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
5091:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=0000002d=45   Rb=00000024 Rc=00000009
5111:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
5112:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
5131:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=0000000a=10   Rb=00000009 Rc=00000001
5191:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
5192:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
5211:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=0000000a=10   Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
5251:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
5252:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
5271:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000088=136  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
5311:fetch , pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000
5312:decode, pc0=00000088 pc=0000008c ir=13223000 op=13 a=2 b=2 c=3 cx12=000
5411:exec  , pc0=00000088 ir=13223000 Ra=00000037=55   Rb=0000002d Rc=0000000a
5431:fetch , pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000
5432:decode, pc0=0000008c pc=00000090 ir=13334000 op=13 a=3 b=3 c=4 cx12=000
5451:exec  , pc0=0000008c ir=13334000 Ra=0000000b=11   Rb=0000000a Rc=00000001
5511:fetch , pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000
5512:decode, pc0=00000090 pc=00000094 ir=10310000 op=10 a=3 b=1 c=0 cx12=000
5531:exec  , pc0=00000090 ir=10310000 Ra=0000000b=11   Rb=0000000a Rc=00000000
5571:fetch , pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0
5572:decode, pc0=00000094 pc=00000098 ir=24fffff0 op=24 a=f b=f c=f cx12=ff0
5591:exec  , pc0=00000094 ir=24fffff0 Ra=00000098=152  Rb=00000098 Rc=00000098
5631:fetch , pc0=00000098 pc=0000009c ir=012f000d
5632:decode, pc0=00000098 pc=0000009c ir=012f000d op=01 a=2 b=f c=0 cx12=00d
5671:exec  , pc0=00000098 ir=012f000d Ra=00000037=55   Rb=0000009c Rc=00000000
5711:fetch , pc0=0000009c pc=000000a0 ir=033f000d
5712:decode, pc0=0000009c pc=000000a0 ir=033f000d op=03 a=3 b=f c=0 cx12=00d
5751:exec  , pc0=0000009c ir=033f000d Ra=0000000b=11   Rb=000000a0 Rc=00000000
5791:fetch , pc0=000000a0 pc=000000a4 ir=31e00000
5792:decode, pc0=000000a0 pc=000000a4 ir=31e00000 op=31 a=e b=0 c=0 cx12=000
5831:exec  , pc0=000000a0 ir=31e00000 Ra=00000070=112  Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
5871:fetch , pc0=000000a4 pc=000000a8 ir=2c000000
5872:decode, pc0=000000a4 pc=000000a8 ir=2c000000 op=2c a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=000
5891:exec  , pc0=000000a4 ir=2c000000 Ra=00000000=0    Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
5951:fetch , pc0=00000070 pc=00000074 ir=31e00000
5952:decode, pc0=00000070 pc=00000074 ir=31e00000 op=31 a=e b=0 c=0 cx12=000
6071:exec  , pc0=00000070 ir=31e00000 Ra=ffffffff=-1   Rb=00000000 Rc=00000000
6091:fetch , pc0=00000074 pc=00000078 ir=2c000000
6092:decode, pc0=00000074 pc=00000078 ir=2c000000 op=2c a=0 b=0 c=0 cx12=000
RET to PC < 0, finished!


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