Java 網路程式設計 -- Proxy
Java 網路程式簡介IPURLUDPTCPTelnetWebServer網頁下載網路爬蟲Proxy瀏覽器訊息相關網站參考文獻最新修改簡體版English |
import*; import*; import java.util.*; class ProxyServer { ServerSocket proxySocket = null; String root; String[] map ={"mpeg=video/mpeg", "mpg=video/mpeg", "wav=audio/x-wav", "jpg=image/jpeg", "gif=image/gif", "zip=application/zip", "pdf=application/pdf", "xls=application/", "ppt=application/", "doc=application/msword", "htm=text/html", "html=text/html", "css=text/plain", "vbs=text/plain", "js=text/plain", "txt=text/plain", "java=text/plain"}; FileWriter log = new FileWriter("WebServer.log", true); String serverHost = "proxy.internal"; int serverPort=3128; public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { setProxy("proxy.internal", "3128"); int proxyPort = 3128; String rootPath = ""; if (args.length >= 2) proxyPort = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); if (args.length >= 1) rootPath = args[0]; new ProxyServer(proxyPort, rootPath); } public ProxyServer(int pPort, String pRoot) throws IOException { proxySocket = new ServerSocket(pPort); // 建立 ServerSocket 物件並佔領 port (預設為 80). File rootDir = new File(pRoot); root = rootDir.getCanonicalPath(); System.out.println("port="+pPort+" root="+root); run(); } public static void setProxy(String pProxy, String pPort) { Properties systemSettings = System.getProperties(); systemSettings.put("proxySet", "true"); systemSettings.put("proxyHost", pProxy); systemSettings.put("proxyPort", pPort); System.setProperties(systemSettings); } public void run() { try { while(true) { // 接受瀏覽器的連線。注意: accept() 是一個等待型呼叫,會一直等到有連線進來才完成執行。 Socket clientSocket = proxySocket.accept(); ProxySession session = new ProxySession(this, clientSocket); session.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String type(String path) { String type="*/*"; path = path.toLowerCase(); for (int i=0; i<map.length; i++) { String[] tokens = map[i].split("="); String ext = tokens[0], mime = tokens[1]; if (path.endsWith("."+ext)) type = mime; } return type; } void output(DataOutputStream out, String str) throws Exception { out.writeBytes(str+"\r\n"); System.out.println(str); } } class ProxySession extends Thread { ProxyServer proxy; Socket clientSocket; Socket serverSocket; int BUF_SIZE = 40960; DataOutputStream clientOut, serverOut; DataInputStream clientIn, serverIn; ProxySession(ProxyServer proxy, Socket clientSocket) throws Exception { this.proxy = proxy; this.clientSocket = clientSocket; clientOut = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream()); // 取得傳送資料的輸出檔。 clientIn = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream()); // 取得接收資料的輸入檔。 serverSocket = new Socket(proxy.serverHost, proxy.serverPort); serverOut = new DataOutputStream(serverSocket.getOutputStream()); // 取得傳送資料的輸出檔。 serverIn = new DataInputStream(serverSocket.getInputStream()); // 取得接收資料的輸入檔。 } public void run() { try { System.out.println("begin http session"); while (true) { try { String request = request(); // 讀取瀏覽器傳來的請求訊息。 response(); // 回應訊息給對方的瀏覽器。 } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); break; } } System.out.println("end http session"); if (!clientSocket.isClosed()) clientSocket.close(); if (!serverSocket.isClosed()) serverSocket.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String request() throws Exception { // read request form client String head = readHead(clientIn); System.out.println("=========request:head============\r\n"+head); byte[] content = readContent(head, clientIn); // send request to server serverOut.write(head.getBytes("UTF-8")); if (content != null) { serverOut.write(content); } return head; } void response() throws Exception { // read response form server String head = readHead(serverIn); System.out.println("=========response:head===========\r\n"+head); byte[] content = readContent(head, serverIn); // send response to client clientOut.write(head.getBytes("UTF-8")); if (content != null) { clientOut.write(content); } String proxyConnection=innerText(head, "Proxy-Connection:", "\n"); System.out.println("proxyConnection="+proxyConnection); // if (proxyConnection==null || proxyConnection.toLowerCase().trim().equals("close")) throw new Exception("connection close"); } public static String innerText(String pText, String beginMark, String endMark) { int beginStart = pText.indexOf(beginMark); if (beginStart < 0) return null; int beginEnd = beginStart+beginMark.length(); int endStart = pText.indexOf(endMark, beginEnd); if (endStart < 0) return null; return pText.substring(beginEnd, endStart); } String readHead(DataInputStream in) { String head = ""; try { // 讀取到第一個空白行為止,這是標頭訊息。 while (true) { String line = in.readLine(); if (line == null) break; head += line+"\n"; if (line.length() == 0) break; } } catch (Exception e) {} return head; } byte[] readContent(String head, DataInputStream in) { try { // 根據 Content-Length: ,讀取到第一個空白行後面的區塊。 String lengthStr = innerText(head.toLowerCase(), "content-length:", "\n"); System.out.println("*contentLength:"+lengthStr); if (lengthStr != null) { int contentLength = Integer.parseInt(lengthStr.trim()); byte[] content = new byte[contentLength];; return content; } } catch (Exception e) {} return null; } } |
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