Blender動畫概論基本操作模型建構材質花紋燈光相機動畫基礎關節骨架粒子效果影片製作補充主題家庭作業主題教學預設值快捷鍵腳本程式中文字引入外部模型去除綠背景物體貼影片透明貼圖2D 的樹星際隕石木偶人走路電影製作基本原理後製處理攝影棚產業現況360度全景2.6X 版2.5X 版2.4X 版相關影片欣賞作品網路教學影片賽德克、巴萊哈利波特悲慘世界電影幕後台灣動畫科學動畫資源下載軟體下載模型下載材質下載音效下載開發工具訊息相關網站參考文獻最新修改簡體版English |
動畫基礎:2.62 版
動畫基礎:2.59 版
重點原始文件: Blender 設計者 Aligorith's Lair 對於 2.5 版動畫設計很重要的一段話: Intended Workflow - Unifying these Design Considerations Taking into account all of these considerations, I designed the "new" NLA system that is basically what you see today. 1. Animate normally - just start inserting keyframes, and then edit these in DopeSheet/Graph Editor until it looks good. A new action is created when the first keyframe is created ("active action"). 2. In NLA Editor, click on the snowflake icon on the red "action" line under the name of the object you've just animated (i.e. "snowflake it"). The "active action" gets removed from the Object, and gets added to the Object's NLA-Stack as a NLA-Strip. This new NLA-Strip references that action. 3a. To animate create another action to refine/tweak some aspects of the NLA-Stack, just start animating again. That is, you're back to step 1, with a new "active action" created for all your keyframes to go into. Nice and simple. 3b. To edit an existing NLA strip's action (you may like to call this "NLA action"), select the strip and hit TAB. This temporarily disables (they are hidden, and stop being evaluated) all the NLA tracks above the one that contains this strip, and makes the NLA-strip's action the new (temporary) "active action". When this happens, you can animate in that strip's action just like before in step 1. When you're finished editing, just hit TAB to get out again, and the previously muted tracks come back, and the NLA-strip's action is no longer the "active action" anymore. It's just like entering and exiting EditMode :) 範例Blender : 使用 NLA Editor + Graph Editor 做出來的直升機動畫 動作一:用 GraphEditor 做出螺旋槳旋轉 (9 格轉半圈) 然後用 NLA Editor 合成這兩個動作,動作一重複 14 次。 影片
Graph Editor
Dope Sheet
NLA Editor
Time Line
Blender -- 動畫基礎
page revision: 32, last edited: 24 May 2012 07:04
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